Palm Tree Lagoon - Latest Customer Catches October 2022


  Archived Catch Reports:

Wayne Murray returned to Palm Tree in October after a lengthy absence smashing several of his pbs that included Chinese bighead carp, Siamese carp (landing the ' Warrior' not once but twice) and soldier river barb. He also caught a number of other great catches like albino chao phraya catfish, ripsaw catfish, yellow catfish, the 'Friendly Mekong', striped catfish as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Kitty Noble was back for another session in October and this time joined the Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Carp Club after successfully landing the 'Warrior'. She also went on to smash both her Chinese bighead carp and alligator gar pbs, as well as catching rohu, striped catfish, and Asian redtail.
Chaianan Thapchai brought Gerald Tan to Palm Tree in October and he had an awesome session catching a right belter of a Chinese black carp, as well as tambaqui, ripsaw catfish, Juliens golden price carp, the 'Friendly Mekong', Siamese carp, Amazon redtail and more...
Dan Hastings was another angler whose first session of October proved to be a good one, landing some awesome fish that included the likes of ripsaw catfish, black shark minnow, elephant ear gourami, Juliens golden price carp, pacu, Siamese carp, yellow catfish, Amazon redtail and more...
Beej Pettit had a good session in October catching several big carp that included the 'Warrior' amongst them. He also landed striped catfish, Mekong catfish, and both Asian and Amazon redtail.
John Harvey's first session in October resulted in him landing some cracking fish that included the 'Friendly Mekong' not once but twice, a right belter of a Juliens golden price carp, elephant ear gourami, striped catfish, rohu, and Asian redtail.
David Bowen and a couple of his fishing mates also visited us in October successfully landing the 'Warrior' as well as a nice tambaqui, striped catfish, and both Asian and Amazon redtail.
John White enjoyed his session at Palm Tree in October catching some nice tambaqui and Juliens golden price carp, as well as striped catfish and both Asian and Amazon redtail.
Ted Broster make his first trip to Palm Tre in October and had an enjoyable session catching the 'Friendly Mekong' as well as a mint ripsaw catfish, striped catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Kerri Pickworth and her partner had a good first visit to Palm Tree in October catching Siamese carp to well over the 100lb mark, as well as Mekong catfish, striped catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Another angler returning for his second session of the month in October was Dan Hastings who landed an impressive two toned rohu, as well as a number of other great catches that included the likes of elephant ear gourami, Juliens golden price carp, giant gourami, black shark minnow, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail and more...
Dennis Buch came along with his father for the day in October and between them they caught some nice catches that included chao phraya catfish, Siamese carp, striped catfish, and both Asian and Amazon redtail.
The guides also had some fun in October catching a variety of fish that included the likes of tambaqui, Juliens golden price carp, leopard catfish, chao phraya catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
John Harvey's second visit in October was another successful one caching a nice crystal eyed catfish as well as the 'Friendly One' yet again, Juliens golden price carp, Siamese carp, giant gourami, striped catfish, and Thai redtail.
Chaianan Thapthai brought a client up to Palm Tree in October who was more than pleased with his catches of Mekong catfish, leopard catfish, Amazon redtail and more...
Mati and Paulina Leszczynski paid us a visit in October catching chao phraya catfish, striped catfish, and lots of both Asian and Amazon redtail.
Oz Smith finally caught the black shark minnow he had been after for some time when he came back in October. He also caught Siamese carp as well as many Asian redtail and striped catfish. Dan Hastings
ICW brought up a customer in October who caught an impressive ripsaw as well as a massive tambaqui which unfortunately jumped out of the cage before we could get a good photo of it.
Kitty Noble brought her work colleague Joh down for the day in October and he enjoyed the experience catching striped catfish as well as both Asian and Amazon redtail.
Tap - Bangkok Fishing Guide - brought up a client in October catching wallago attu, striped catfish, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.