Palm Tree Lagoon - Latest Customer Catches January 2023


  Archived Catch Reports:

What an awesome session it was for Dave Woods in January, as it started off with a right belter of a tambaqui and finished with a Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Carp Club qualifying monstrous 212lb Siamese carp. He also caught striped catfish as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Rob Johnson returned to Palm Tree in January and landed some great fish topped off by an awesome Salween rita catfish and a ripper of a tambaqui. He also caught a variety of other species that included the 'Friendly Mekong, chao phraya catfish, Siamese carp, alligator gar, yellow catfish, striped catfish, mollycot, catfish shark, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Martin Aronsson returned in January to Palm Tree which he calls the 'PB Lake' and it wasn't long before he was again smashing his pbs and in the process gained himself two more Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Fish Club t-shirts courtesy of a monstrous Mekong catfish and 'The Warrior'. He also caught two new species namely Chinese black carp and an albino striped catfish as well as landing wallago attu, Amazon redtail, Asian redtail and more...
It was t-shirts galore for Brian Stimpson and his mates when they visited us in January. The highlights being the capture of both 'The Warrior' and the 'Friendly Mekong', and a spectacular looking albino Chinese silver carp. They also landed alligator gar, striped catfish, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Alan Johnstone had a very productive session when he visited us in January. He caught a wide range of species topped off by a good sized Chinese bighead carp, a stunning Chinese black carp, and some whopping Mekong catfish that included the 'Friendly One'. He also landed a lot of other great fish that included pacu, alligator gar, black shark minnow, yellow catfish, giant gourami, tambaqui, catla carp, striped catfish, catfish shark, mollycot, wallago attu, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
What a great session it was for Gavin Hill in January which was topped off by a belter of a ripsaw catfish, Siamese carp to over a 100lb, and membership of the Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Catfish Club courtesy of the 'Friendly Mekong'. He also landed some awesome tambaqui, striped catfish, chao phraya catfish, rohu, as well as both Amazon and asian redtail.
Radley Hill enjoyed a good first time session in January catching a variety of species that included a belter of an alligator gar, as well as black shark minnow, a superb tambaqui, rohu, Siamese carp, pacu, striped catfish, chao phraya catfish, wallago attu, Mekong catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Another first timer in January was Dave Scarpellini who was well pleased with his catches particularly with his big Mekong catfish and superb Chinese black carp. He also landed a rare Chinese highfin catfish, an awesome tambaqui, as well as striped catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
John White was back again in January catching some memorable fish in particular a stunning Chinese black carp and a mint ripsaw catfish. He also landed the 'Friendly One' as well as tambaqui, Amazon redatail, Asian redtail and more...
Cat and Peter brought Big John down for another session in January and he thoroughly enjoyed his visit catching an awesome albino Chinese silver carp, as well as the 'Friendly Mekong', giant featherback, striped catfish, yellow catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Ross Downs caught a nice variety of fish species when he came in January the best of which were an awesome ripsaw catfish, a rare elephant ear gourami, and a mint Chinese bighead carp. He also landed some superb alligator gar, some chunky Amazon redtail, as well as Mekong catfish, Siamese carp, black ear catfish, striped catfish, catfish shark, and Asian redtail.
Graham Fancutt visited us for the first time in January catching some chunky Amazon redtails as well as, catfish shark, striped catfish, mollycot, crystal eyed catfish, rohu, alligator gar, and Asian redtail.
The guides had some great fish again in January that include bony lipped barb, Juliens golden price carp, alligator gar, Chinese black carp, Siamese carp, Mekong catfish, black shark minnow and more...
A quiet session by Ian Barton's standards when he returned in January. However, he still managed to land the 'Friendly' one, as well as an awesome pb albino pacu, Siamese carp, pacu, giant gourami, mollycot and more...
It was a hard day at the office for the 'Overrated Angling Team' of Mr P and Danzac, but they still ended up with some nice catches that included albino pacu, a mint black ear catfish, mrigal, rohu, Amazon redtail and more...
Rob Saunders was another first timer in January and he caught some nice fish in particular a stunning tambaqui, as well as Mekong catfish, Siamese carp, Amazon redtail and more...
Rob Manning returned in January this time smashing his Mekong catfish pb with an awesome t-shirter, as well as catching a couple of nice Siamese carp and more...
Andrew Hartigan returned for his annual visit in January, this time catching a new pb Mekong catfish, as well as a stunning Chinese black carp which was a new species for him, Amazon redtail and more...
Dave Middleton returned in January and finally landed 'The Warrior' which he had been after for a while, and hence joined the Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Carp Club. He also caught Mekong catfish and more...
Adam Harris brought Nikii Ferrara down for the day in January and she was well pleased with her catches of Siamese carp, striped catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Graham and Dave were back in January for a second visit within in a month, although the fishing was slow they still landed some nice fish that included the likes of catla carp, Siamese carp, albino striped catfish, alligator gar and more...
Ian De'ath visited us for the first time in January catching Mekong catfish, Amazon and Asian redtail and more...
Joseph visited us for the day in January, and was more than pleased with his catches of Amazon redtail, Mekong catfish, alligator gar, and Asian redtail.
It was a slow session for George Aukton when he came in January but he did manage to land some nice Amazon redtails.
Pavlin Keranov visited us for the first time in January catching catla carp, mollycot, Amazon redtail and more...
Martin Hobbs fished with us for the first time in January and was all smiles with his catches of Mekong catfish, Amazon redtail, Asian redtail and more...
Our Korean angling friends joined us again for a quick half day session in January catching Mekong catfish, striped catfish as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Allan Oakshott was back in January for the first time since the pandemic, catching a number of striped catfish and Amazon redtail.