Palm Tree Lagoon - Latest Customer Catches January 2025


   Archived Catch Reports:

Tap of 'Bangkok Fishing Guide' brought up two Austrian anglers on their annual visit to Palm Tree in January, they both landed big Mekong catfish, as well as the more rarely caught granulated and ripsaw catfish. They also caught alligator gar, Chao Phraya catfish, Siamese carp, striped catfish, wels catfish, mollycot and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Glenn Perkins finally got the 'Big White' Mekong catfish he was after when he returned in January. He also landed a superb alligator gar as well as pacu and some big Amazon redtail and more...
Paul Hopley and his son were our first customers of 2025 and what a first day they had catching both 'The Warrior' and the 'Friendly Mekong'. They then went on to catch striped catfish, pacu, wels catfish, catfish shark, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Mark Cardoe had a good couple of days in January catching an awesome Chinese bighead carp as well as a nice tambaqui, some big Mekong catfish and more...
Benny, Benji and the guides managed a dabble in January catching some great Juliens golden price carp as well as pacu, Mekong catfish, albino pacu, ripsaw catfish, Chao Phraya catfish, catla carp, rohu, and more...
Harm Van Holsteijn fished in January catching a monstrous Siamese catfish, some extremely chunky Amazon redtail, as well as wels catfish, alligator gar, Asian redtail and more...
Alan Johnstone despite the cool January weather still managed to catch several Siamese and catla carp. He also landed Chao Phraya catfish, Mekong catfish, both Amazon and Asian redtail and more...
Daniel Haid and his mate fished in January catching a stunning ripsaw catfish as well as Siamese carp, Amazon redtail, striped catfish and more..
Kenny Johnstone caught a variety of fish on his first visit to Palm Tree in January that included giant featherback, arapaima, Mekong catfish, alligator gar, Chao Phraya catfish, striped catfish, and both Amazon redtail and more...
Bob Watson was back for the second time in as many weeks in January this time catching a chunky tambaqui as well as a big striped catfish, several Amazon redtails and more...
Gary Johnstone and his two fishing mates Dean Holland and Michael Cairns fished a couple of days in January catching Mekong catfish, striped catfish, wels catfish, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Mikael Andersson & Marthina Lileqwisth returned for their annual visit in January with Marthina beating her Mekong catfish and alligator gar pbs. They also caught a lot of Amazon and Asian redtails, as well as striped catfish and mollycot.
'Attila Thailand' fishing group has a session in January catching pacu, the 'Friendly Mekong', wels catfish, alligator gar, Siamese carp, albino pacu, striped catfish, and both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Adam Grice, Alex Lindop and some fishing mates came down for the day in January catching some nice fish that included arapaima, Mekong catfish, alligator gar, pacu, Amazon redtail and more...
Allan Oakeshott returned in January catching some nice alligator gar as well as pacu, catfish shark, Amazon redtail and more...
Philipp Ed Snaj returned in January catching Siamese carp, Mekong catfish, Chao Phraya catfish and more...
Bob Watson came up with a couple of mates from Hua Hin for the day in January catching Mekong catfish, Siamese carp, wels catfish, rohu, Asian redtail and striped catfish.
Terry Sullivan fished at Palm Tree for the first time in January catching a mint Mekong catfish, Alligator gar, Amazon redtail, striped catfish and more...
Peter Monk was all smiles in January with his catches of Chao Phraya catfish, pacu, Amazon redtail, striped catfish and more...
Mick Abbott returned in January catching wels catfish, albino pacu, striped catfish as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Ian Whitwell managed to catch the 'Friendly Mekong' on both of his days during his visit to Palm tree in January. He also landed striped catfish and some others...
Julius De Korte was back already in January catching some great Amazon redtail as well as Mekong catfish, wels catfish, striped catfish and more...
It was a slow day due to the cool weather in January for Kelly Reed but he did manage to catch a wallago leeri as well as striped catfish and more...
Bob Wareing came up for the day in January catching Chao Phraya catfish, wels catfish, striped catfish, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Ashley Porter made a quick visit in January catching mollycot, Chao Phraya catfish and more...
Eugene Cheng returned in January after a long time away catching a pristine albino pacu, wels catfish and more...
It was a quiet day for Barry Gregory and his customer in January but they did manage yto catch a nice pacu plus a few others.