Palm Tree Lagoon - Latest Customer Catches December 2021
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What an unbelievable session German angler Andreas Holly Hollmotz had as he visited us for the first time in December, the pinnacle of which was landing the world biggest carp and the ‘Warrior’ on the same day. He totalled four Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Fish Clun t-shirts for the session catching another big Siamese carp and the ‘Friendly Mekong’. In addition to this he broke the lake record for Chinese black carp as well as catching a fabulous albino striped catfish, Chinese silver carp, pacu, black shark minnow, rohu, leopard catfish, wallago leeri, tambaqui, mollycot, striped catfish, alligator gar, and both Asian and Amazon redtail. |
John Harvey was having a slow session in December when suddenly his luck changed as he landed two right belters in a row, firstly an awesome pb Juliens golden price carp and then quickly followed by a fabulous albino Chinese silver carp. He also caught pacu, leopard catfish, a pucker rohu, Mekong catfish, Amazon redtail and more… |
Gavin Hope returned again a week later for his second session in December and this time finally joined the Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Carp Club after successfully landing the ‘Warrior’. He also a pn Chinese black carp as well as Mekong catfish, black shark minnow, Amazon redtail and more… |
Catmasters John Deakin was back in December and has a stellar session finally catching his first ripsaw catfish as well as his first Chinese silver carp and tambaqui. He also landed two Siamese carp over 120lb as well as a pb Amazon redtail, striped catfish, alligator gar, mollycot and Asian redtail. |
December was a good month for Benji as he managed to land the ‘Warrior’ totally unaided not bad for a six year old. He also caught several other Siamese carp as well as Amazon redtail and more… |
We took Jonny Boye up to Khao Laem Dam for the first time during December and he caught a number of great fish that included Smith’s barb a new species for him, as well as black shark minnow, java barb, mystus catfish, nandid tiger perch, and yellow catfish. |
Gavin Hope’s first visit for two years in December proved to be a good one as he landed a number of awesome fish that included the rarely caught wallago leeri, Chinese black carp, and elephant ear gourami all new species for him. He also caught a superb Chinese bighead carp, tambaqui, black shark minnow, rohu, Siamese carp, leopard catfish, wallago attu, Mekong catfish, mollycot, striped catfish, yellow catfish, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail. |
Dave Fennell got off to a great start in December with the first fish being a new species for him in the shape of an awesome Chinese black carp. He then went on to catch Mekong catfish also a new species for him, a very plump Siamese carp, leopard catfish, alligator gar, mollycot, striped catfish, and Amazon redtail. |
It was a productive trip for Tim up at Khao Laem Dam during December catching a number of superb fish including zebra tilapia a new species for him as well as black shark minnow, java barb, Smith’s barb, nandid tiger perch, eyespot barb, and yellow catfish. |
We took Stuart Turner and Dave Fennell to IT Monster lake for the day in December where they had a busy time catching Thai mahseer, Juliens golden price carp, soldier river barb, rohu, common carp, catla carp, plenty of Amazon redtail, and chao phraya catfish. |
Ian Irving made his second visit to Palm Tree during December this time catching a stunning Amazon redtail as well as ripsaw catfish, wallago leeri, alligator gar, Siamese carp, Asian redtail and more… |
Gerry Tan was all smiles in December with his catches of a stunning tambaqui, the ‘Friendly Mekong’, mollycot, and Amazon redtail. |
Jon Gregory returned in December this time landing a rarely caught wallago attu as well as mollycot, striped catfish, and both Asian and Amazon redtail. |
Stuart Turner visited us for the first time in December catching a number of Mekong catfish and Siamese carp. |
Another first timer in December was Shane Jameson who was more than happy to catch his first ever Mekong catfish, as well as two other new species namely black shark minnow and rohu. He also landed striped catfish and Amazon redtail. |
It was a quiet session by Dan Hastings standards in December but he still landed giant gourami, black shark minnow, and rohu. |
One of our Japanese customers returned in December after a long absence catching a two new species for him in the form of a Chinese black carp and Asian redtailed catfish, as well as Siamese carp, and Amazon redtail |
Duncan Roberts came to Palm Tree for the first time in December catching one of the biggest Mekong catfish in the lake but unfortunately the leviathan managed to escape without a photo, he did manage to photograph a smaller Mekong catfish later in the day though. |