Palm Tree Lagoon - Latest Customer Catches August 2022


  Archived Catch Reports:

Ian Barton finally make it back in August after two cancelled trips due to covid-19 and what an awesome session he had. Some of the memorable catches included an impressive chao phraya catfish, the capture of 'The Warrior' three times, an albino Chines silver carp, and a Chinese highfin catfish. In addition to this he also landed numerous Juliens golden price carp, black shark minnow, ripsaw catfish, elephant ear gourami, a huge pacu, giant featherback, alligator gar, yellow catfish, Mekong catfish, wallago attu, both Amazon and Asian redtail and more...
What a great inaugural session Austrian angler Thomas Beyrer had in August, the pinnacle of which for him was the capture of 'The Warrior' and membership of the Palm Tree Lagoon BIG Carp Club. In addition to this he also landed another Siamese carp over the 100lb mark, an elephant ear catfish, black shark minnow, mollycot, chao phraya catfish, pacu, Mekong catfish, striped catfish, as well as both Asian and Amazon redtail. Many of these fish were new species for him and he vowed to return soon.
It was a great day for Simon Weber when he retuned in August landing both 'The Warrior' and the 'Friendly Mekong' as well as a superb Chinese bighead carp and more...
Tim and Benji had a great trip to Huai Ma Haart dam in August catching a number of clown featherback, as well as giant snakehead, tilapia, mrigal, java barb, silver shark minnow and more...
Mike Cr retuned again to Palm Tree in August for a couple of days and as usual landed some great fish that included ripsaw catfish, tambaqui, Juliens golden price carp, Siamese carp, black shark minnow, wallago attu, and both Asian and Amazon redtail.
Andrew Cetti visited us for the first time in August and had an enjoyable session catching Juliens golden price carp, Siamese carp, alligator gar, Amazon redtail and striped catfish.
Dan Hastings had another good session in August this time catching a stunning catla carp as well as tambaqui, an awesome black shark minnow, Juliens golden price carp, pacu, rohu, crystal eyed catfish and more...
John Harvey was back in August and this time smashed his rohu pb with a right belter. He also landed ripsaw catfish, catla carp, amazon redtail and more...
Dan Williams and his son caught some nice fish on their visit to Palm Tree in August that included ripsaw catfish, Siamese carp, and both Amazon and Asian catfish.
Dave Wilson visited Palm Tree for the first time in August and was happy with his catches of the 'Friendly Mekong' a superb alligator gar, as well as both Asian and Amazon redtail.
Robert Noble and two of his fishing mates to Palm Tree in August and they caught a number of great catches that included ripsaw catfish, Mekong catfish, wallago attu, as well as both Amazon and Asian redtail.
Oz Smith returned to Palm Tree in August and this time smashed his Juliens golden price carp pb. He also landed a number of Siamese carp and more...
Benji and the guides also caught some nice fish in August that included chao phraya catfish, crystal eyed catfish, leopard catfish, and tambaqui.
David Wong was another angler who returned to Palm Tree during August this time catching a selection of fish that included Juliens golden prices carp, Mekong catfish, Siamese carp, wallago attu, as well as both Asian and Amazon redtail.