Fishing Holidays at Palm Tree Lagoon in Thailand

Thai Fish Species - Mekong Giant Catfish

Common Name

 Mekong Giant Catfish

Local Name

 Pla Buk

Scientific Name

 Pangasianodon Gigas


 Pangasiidae - Shark Catfishes

Thai Fish Species - Mekong Catfish

Palm Tree Lagoon Lake Record


Palm Tree Lagoon Largest Fish


Current IGFA World Record

117.93kg Robert David Kent, 29 Nov 210 Gilhams, Krabi, Thailand

Best Methods / Bait

Dry lum pressed on beads fished under a float accounts for most of the mekongs caught. They also take bread/lum mix fished on a feeder and banana.

Thai Fish Species - Mekong Catfish
Thai Fish Species - Mekong Catfish
Thai Fish Species - Mekong Catfish
Thai Fish Species - Mekong Catfish